A vote was taken and a prize give for the best hat.
The event was held at a historic train station and we were told about some of the resident ghosts that have been encounted there through the years - the room we were in was decorated with vintage inspired paper goods hanging from the lights and displayed on tables.
The potluck lunch was delicious and everyone came away with full tummies - - -
- - - eyeballs and skeletons in the punch bowl!
Each person attending received one of these wonderful hand scuplted candy boxes filled with Halloween treats - they were made by Londi and Pat and were just delightful!
There were make & take projects - - - -
And lots of people having fun visiting and working with wool.
The rugs on display were delightful to see.
The Hookoween was a fun, fun event and the attendees would like to thank the Board for all their efforts to make it memorable for us!